How to deal with negative comments on your brand’s social media — in three simple steps

Katy Prince
3 min readOct 1, 2018

Negative comments on your brand’s social media. Aren’t they just the worst?

You’ve put time, effort, energy, creativity (and a lil’ bit of your own soul, let’s be honest) into carefully crafting your content, and then someone goes and ruins your fun by leaving a negative comment on one of your pics.

Ugh. Way to kill the vibe. What now?

I recently supported a client through one of these icky situations, so thought it might be handy to share some tips. Here’s my simple three-step plan of attack for dealing with negative vibes on your page. Here we go.


Imagine you’re a customer trying to make an in-store complaint and the cashier is flat-out ignoring you. You’re going to start waving your arms around, raising your voice, pushing past happy customers, and generally causing a bit of a scene so you get noticed.

Same applies online.

The more you ignore them, the more likely they are to start leaving more comments all over your pics, moaning about you in their stories and generally bringing the vibe down.



Katy Prince

(she/her) Copywriting Expert and Sales Coach for service-based entrepreneurs. Inclusive approach to success. Squirm-Free approach to sales.